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How to Get the Best Marketing Executives
Sun, 5 May, 2019
Integrated, multi-channel marketing campaigns are the order of the day. Unsurprisingly, developing a global strategy and implementing the projects to fulfil it are tasks that require a specialist— enter the marketing executive.
You could say that 2018 and 2019 are golden years for these execs. Everyone and their aunt is trying to hire a marketing specialist that can work at an executive level. It’s become a very competitive job market, which means that, in order to attract (and keep!) marketing executives, you really need to up the ante.
In short— we’ll explore what defines a marketing exec, why you need one, and how to keep yours happy.
What is a marketing executive, exactly?
At first glance, this one seems like a bit of a nebulous term— two corporate-sounding words thrown together to sound professional. But there actually is a pretty clear working definition for ‘marketing executive’.
These professionals are one of your company’s most important chess pieces: they are in charge of increasing overall brand value, creating the market for your product or service, and managing day-to-day campaigns to position it. They’re involved in the entire process of your product from inception to sales.
First, marketing executives work to develop an integrated campaign that meets the company’s goals. Then, they manage the everyday tasks to see it through. These often include streamlining the brand’s social media presence, researching and segmenting the market, generating leads, collaborating in the creation of media materials, and coming up with data-driven reports that measure the brand’s success.
Why is everyone hiring marketing executives?
All data points to the demand for Marketing Executives increasing over the last year. Our experts believe this trend is bound to continue in the near future. Some companies are choosing to hire executives instead of less experienced (and cheaper) juniors. In our recent salary survey, we found firms going as far as paying over AU$68k to get top talent.
Why do this?
As you already know, an increasingly multi-channel marketplace calls for experienced pros that can integrate competitive strategies without batting an eye. But there’s more to it.
Marketing executives are nothing if not driven. They are hungry for progression, having learned and practised their solid know-how already. What’s better for the growth of a company than a team of highly motivated and ambitious folks?
In short, the more opportunities to evolve you offer, the better your chances to secure a top-tier marketing exec.
The 5 things marketing executives look for in a company
You want marketing execs who are driven and love the challenge of the job, instead of mercenaries in search of the highest bidder. And most candidates do, indeed, look for more than just a hefty salary (though, of course, that doesn’t hurt).
Here are the top 5 things marketing executives want in a company. Do you have them? Are you ready to make the necessary changes?
1. Learning opportunities.
Driven, growth-oriented individuals are people who care about learning. If you don’t offer to teach them new things or don’t provide for more experience and education, you’re going to lose them. This becomes easier once you’ve built a good marketing team— the cumulative knowledge and experience they can pass on is a huge asset for newcomers.
2. A clear path forward.
The other pillar of attracting marketing executives is showing them how they can grow within your organisation. A progression plan that takes their talents and challenges to new heights(like management) is a must. You should be advertising this from the very start, as career development is a key motivator for the best executives.
3. Consistent performance bonuses.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are goals that let you measure your company’s success in a clear and tangible way. It can either be a global, all-encompassing objective that goes for the entire company or a narrow target for a team or section of the business.
Establishing KPIs is great for motivation, as your marketing executives will know exactly how they need to perform in order to achieve those juicy bonuses.
4. A positive company culture.
If your employees are unhappy and the culture is toxic, you’re not going to get top talent. Dynamic people— the marketing execs you need— are looking for a team that collaborates and socialises even outside of the workplace. They want approachable managers and teammates who get along swimmingly. Build your team with this in mind!
5. Money, money, money.
Despite it not being the end-all, be-all of marketing executive motivators, money still matters. Think of the competition— you’re up against top paying companies that offer AU$65k. An above-average salary makes all the other elements fall into place. Remember, though, that your candidates will be enticed by the whole package. The money is just one component.
If you’re looking for the cream of the crop in marketing executives, you will have to offer great conditions and enticing opportunities for growth. In exchange, you’ll get an expert devoted to optimising the strategy to make your business thrive.
Want to find the best marketing talent on the market for an executive position? We can help you do just that— don’t be a stranger!
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