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It’s Time To Embrace A Transformative Recruitment Model

David Law

Mon, 17 May, 2021

  • Reading Time:
    ~ 2 minutes

At Fulcrum, we believe extraordinary talent and culture are the keys to success. We work to provide our partners with strategic, embedded recruitment and create teams that are sustainable and engaged.

The conventional recruitment model is broken. It forces companies to pay large sums to acquire talent for an individual role without a long-term talent strategy. This means fewer resources go to building a solid employer brand and internal company culture. 

After Covid, the outlook is clear. Any business that wants to expand and succeed in the long haul needs to prioritise talent attraction, acquisition, and development. We understand the hurdles your company needs to overcome to get your talent strategy ready for the future.

In this new world, we’re passionate about offering you an embedded recruitment model that is transparent, sustainable, and smart.

We offer flexible recruitment solutions.

Aiming to fill individual positions without following a larger blueprint opens a company up to so many potential issues and can ultimately harm the employer. That’s the reason we’ve cast aside the conventional commission-based recruitment method. 

Instead, we work with a subscription-based model that gives our partner companies the ability to grow, attract the right talent and ideally save them time and money in the process. 

What this means: your company pays a fixed monthly subscription. We embed our talent experts into your organisation and work to grow a successful team. This is both transparent and effective— no hidden costs and over 40% more cost effective than conventional recruitment.

By putting your culture and long-term goals first, we improve the talent attraction and recruitment model exponentially. Over time, your aligned team and elevated employer brand draw in the people you need to keep scaling— meaning lower costs, less time, and more efficiency.

We offer an embedded and scalable model.

Our team of talent experts are devoted to transforming our partners’ hiring strategy and talent acquisition process.

We use our industry experience in tech and digital to build teams that are aligned with your vision and values as well as driven and efficient.

We focus our people on what matters: our partners’ growth. Our goal: to develop and enact a top talent strategy that finds the right matches and drives sustainable success. 

Within your company, our (on-site or virtual) experts develop a candidate and employee experience that’s in line with your culture and objectives. We strive to be the continuation of your organisation’s native talent function and elevate it from within. When it’s time to scale or expand into new projects, we stay flexible and provide the right people. 

We offer sustainable, strategic growth.

Working with us, you don’t just get new, awesome talent, but also the tools for long-term success and a great network of experienced talent professionals you can tap into.

Our scalable model offers you a clear strategic direction and fulfil your growth blueprint. Our dedicated experts focus on generating aligned growth that your organisation can sustain. 

Matching ambitious companies with the right team of people is a clear pathway to growth. Work with us to elevate your culture and talent function— send us a message, we’ll be happy to chat.

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